Many companies face data security dilemma ... We invite you to read our latest article by Robert Berlinski "Outsourcing Data Center advantages and disadvantages" in the most modern Polish magazine OBIEKTY. We recommend ordering an online subscription.
We have received a new order to act as the commissioning agent from our partner, Warbud. Under the agreement, our team will be in charge of the entire commissioning process in accordance with the standards for this type of facility and with the requirements of the Uptime Institute and EN50600...
We are pleased to inform you that we have implemented iAuditor software for ATMAN. In our work, we have been using iAuditor for over 2 years. iAuditor is software made in Australia that is experiencing successful growth on the European market. The platform has been made to conduct inspections for...
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for doing business with BCA Engineering Group and to wish all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Once again, as a pioneer on the Polish market, we are changing Poland's Data Center map. Our team has contributed to another certification of the NASK Data Center. NASK SA 's Praga Pn. Data Center has become the first data center in Warsaw to obtain the Rated-3 certificate, completing the...
If you have a technical question
about Data Centers, we will be happy to help.