Load banks tests

DataCenter IST tests

AC power supply and air-conditioning systems are at the heart of the systems sustaining infrastructure in a data center facility. Our test and maintenance philosophy consists in the early detection and fixing of any potential bugs before they become major issues and lead to a system failure or loss of power in the entire data center. Our company perfectly comprehends the vital significance of these systems.


It is extremely important to make sure that a data center will work on a 24/7 basis. A key for this to happen is to ensure the optimum operating efficiency of power supply and sanitation systems servicing a given data center.

Tests conducted with the use of load banks serve here as a basis. They allow for the verification whether the installation has been correctly executed, and for ensuring its robust performance during failure of main power supply sources and data center operational activities.

During our tests, we verify: Rozwiń
When considering which manner of testing an installation to select, the following questions should be addressed: Rozwiń

Should any of the questions above give rise to doubts, it indicates necessity to conduct correctly performed load tests of the entire infrastructure. They will allow for reaching the maximum efficiency, and will justify investments in a physical infrastructure.
Since we also design and execute data center systems, we understand problems connected with individual elements of the whole infrastructure.
Our service can either consist in the standard lease of devices and connecting them to a structure or in the preparation of complete tests, power quality measurements and thermal zone mapping, with the presentation of a final report describing the tests performed.
Our range of services is flexible and driven by a user’s requirements. We can carry out any test proposed by our Clients and meet all their requirements.

We propose standard tests for server rooms: Rozwiń
Our tests involve: Rozwiń

Our testing and maintenance philosophy is to detect and fix any defects early.

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